Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Narrations of a brother/ son-in-law who loved too much baked beans..

Narrations of a brother/ son-in-law who loved too much baked beans..

One day Gari met a sweet lady Rudo and fell in love with her. He was so in love that he started making plans to marry her. Months passed by and the two were happy. It was now time for Gari’s birthday and Rudo thought there was no other way to celebrate this wonderful day than inviting both her family & Gari’s as well. To spice it up, Rudo decided to make it a surprise! So Rudo called Gari at work & said “Sweetie, instead of us celebrating out, let’s have a nice dinner at my apartment”!...And of cause Gari said yes.

But there was a slight problem, ever since they started dating; Gari never told Rudo his secret addiction for baked beans & boiled eggs (we all know what hard boiled eggs & beans can do to our stomach).

... anywhere, during his lunch time, Gari decided to treat himself with a lot of hard boiled eggs & baked beans until his stomach was fullest. With a good, long 6hours between his lunch & his special dinner with lovely Rudo; Gari thought he would be able to walk off any ill effects of the beans by the time he reached home. He had consumed large portions of both the baked beans and eggs, so he made sure that he released ALL the gas before he made his way to Rudo’s place.

Upon his arrival, Rudo was so excited to see him and exclaimed gloriously;

“Darling, I have a surprise for you, but I need to blind fold you first!”

So Rudo blindfolded him and led him to a chair at the dinner table, but before she removed the blind fold, Rudo’s phone started ringing and she quickly said;

“Honey, I really have to answer this but please DO NOT remove the blind fold or even try to peep through,”…and Gari promised he won’t! Rudo went into the next room where Gari could hear her voice talking.

Gas started building in Gari’s stomach and really wanted to release it, all the beans and boiled eggs he had consumed earlier were still affecting him and the pressure in the stomach was getting unbearable. So while Rudo was still talking on the phone, he seized the opportunity; he shifted his weight to one side of the body and just let everything go. He made that silent one and it smelled like a dead carcass. He quickly took off his blazer and started fanning the room vigorously.

He shifted again, and ripped a few more that smelled more than cooked cabbage; and while keeping his ears to the phone conversation, he kept on fanning the room on the double. When Rudo’s phone conversation was finally over, he was now feeling so relieved and happy, he just made a few more quick fanning then he sat down again. The pleasure he felt was inexpressible, feeling very relieved and pleased with himself, and his face all innocent.

Rudo apologized for taking so long and she asked if he had peeped through the blindfold and he assured her he had not. At that moment, Rudo screamed “surprise…” removing the blindfold, only for Gari to realize all this time he was surrounded by both his family and Rudo’s family.

What a memorable birthday it was for Gari…!

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