Monday, May 14, 2012

Re-Invent Yourself

It occurred to me that what might have been of significant importance a year ago could be totally irrelevant and tacky a year on. But if we choose to be blind and “be down for the count” of this inner shift, we could find ourselves still living by values we have long outgrown. You see, in life there simply comes a time when we are no longer happy with things that used to give us joy, it could be a career, a home, the town we live, or our own relationships. Things start getting craggy & the people in our lives no longer understand us and we no longer understand them. What used to be tolerable is suddenly unbearable such as a venomous relationship. The outcome of this could lead to despondency, restiveness, inner conflict and a life that is somewhat superficial and one-dimensional. We find ourselves being angry at the wrong people and hurting the feelings of those around us;who actually care because we fail to take care of the problem that lye deep within us and keep on allowing our past to haunt us.

Don’t wait too long to take action, it’s your life and you live it once so you better make it count. Remember there is more to life than being stuck in a pathetically abusive relationship. And by abusive it’s not only corporal abuse um talking about; poignant abuse does count as well. Don’t be stuck or caught “having forty winks”; love yourself enough to walk out and move on with your life. All human beings do grow and when we have outgrown our present circumstances, it could be time to move on or better still it could be time for reinvention.

Personally, I have taken some re-invention journeys in my life from career changes, to relocation to self-employment to ending toxic relationships. As long as your re-invention is a blessing to yourself and those around you, I say GO FOR IT. If the rhythm of life changes beat, it could be the perfect time to seek some re-inventions. Don’t be stuck in abusive relationships, there is more to life than someone foot stomping you. Keep your head up and move on. You deserve the best out of your life so perhaps it’s time to do something about it, Some Re-Invention On The Move!
You are Beautiful; God created you in His Image so love yourself and take care of yourself. Even when you feel hopeless in your situation, remember God cares, His grace is sufficient enough to see you through any obstacle.

Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I have the power to face all conditions through the power Christ gives me”

1 comment:

  1. Spot on... You remind me of Floetry's song "Breathe". Sometimes we have to let go so we can grow and breathe... Feeling like we are drifting and not quite where we wanna be can be an addiction. We need to just get on with it and move on sometimes
