Friday, April 16, 2010

Best days of my life

Dreams and just tired from a very long day of classes and workout.Not so sure what to write but i guess um just gonna pour out how um feeling right now and how my day went by.

...It is 2 days before the 30th anniversary of Zimbabwe's Independence day. I pray that God will keep on Blessing the works of our hands and minds and make them very fruitful.Happy Independence day to my people of Zimbabwe.In unity we stand.

...ok in about one and a half months, i will be contesting for the Miss Zim-USA 2010 crown.I am not sure about how everything will go but I am hoping the day will turn out successful and let the best girl win. I have been working so hard for the past few years to make this dream come true. It will be a dream come true to have the crown in my head and to carry out the job as the ambassador for Zimbabwe.It will be an honor to walk in the foot steps of some of my all time Zimbabwean models which include the likes of Angeline Musasiwa, Mary Mubaiwa, Linah Zinyama, Brita Masalethulini, and Audrey Chiumbu-Maseko. As the day of the pageant gets closer,I just want to wish every girl the best of luck. Keep believing in your self and the beauty of your dreams! me on the runway

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