Saturday, December 11, 2010


The ups and downs of life! Sometimes the unexpected happen at the most unwanted time but we have to hold on and keep the hope alive!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dont give up!

Somethings seem so impossible until they are done.As hard as it may seem;keep on pushing forward and working hard towards your dream.One day you will get there. Let the Lord be your guidance always.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am still recovering from the ZimExpo 2010 hangover. The experience I gained was splendid and I certainly enjoyed myself. I only went as high as top 5,which was ok but not what I had bargained for!

Big congratulations to all the girls for putting up such a show at the 2010 Miss Zim-USA; it was awesome meeting up with you guys. Hope to meet in the future.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Post Zimexpo hangeover

I am still recovering from the ZimExpo 2010 hangover. I certainly enjoyed myself being with a bunch of awesome girls. The experience that I gained was splendid. I made it to the top 5 finalists but I guess the night certainly didn't belong to me. After this experience, I want to be known for one thing, and that is endurance. Endurance in what I do. Right now I am struggling with my emotions, OH how I so much wanted to get the crown; but lets just say maybe this year was not my year. I however want to make it clear, NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER are the words I am going to live by for now!

So yes, this year may not have been my year, I stumbled here and there but I am determined to make it till the end so watch out for this space because this is just the beginning. you shall hear of my success and other greater things to come. Hope time and space will be friendly to me and my name will be written in the history books for the generations to come to read. Just know, whatever struggle you go through, fight through it. Believe in God for restoration for greater things in this life. God is faithful and all the time He is faithful.

Big congratulations to all the girls for putting up such a show at the 2010 Miss Zim-USA; it was awesome meeting up with you guys. Hope to meet in the future.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Best days of my life

Dreams and just tired from a very long day of classes and workout.Not so sure what to write but i guess um just gonna pour out how um feeling right now and how my day went by.

...It is 2 days before the 30th anniversary of Zimbabwe's Independence day. I pray that God will keep on Blessing the works of our hands and minds and make them very fruitful.Happy Independence day to my people of Zimbabwe.In unity we stand.

...ok in about one and a half months, i will be contesting for the Miss Zim-USA 2010 crown.I am not sure about how everything will go but I am hoping the day will turn out successful and let the best girl win. I have been working so hard for the past few years to make this dream come true. It will be a dream come true to have the crown in my head and to carry out the job as the ambassador for Zimbabwe.It will be an honor to walk in the foot steps of some of my all time Zimbabwean models which include the likes of Angeline Musasiwa, Mary Mubaiwa, Linah Zinyama, Brita Masalethulini, and Audrey Chiumbu-Maseko. As the day of the pageant gets closer,I just want to wish every girl the best of luck. Keep believing in your self and the beauty of your dreams! me on the runway