Friday, April 1, 2011

Prayer Is the Answer!

Whether we get what we want or hope for, God still remains the same,He is capable of anything we want in life and all we need is put our trust in His and have faith that whatever it is we are going through, He is capable of taking care of it! So do not worry about anything. Challenges come and go but God still remains faithful. I choose not to rely on my understanding but let God take the lead. Small set backs come and go but never allow them to dictate the direction of your faith,do not be that cheap to allow yourselves to be controlled by circumstances..never! They are actually supposed to make you stronger in life so that you can always be prepared knowing that Christ is Christ; whether we get what we want or not, he still remains the same! This God we serve is awesome,He can do whatever He says He can, He is who He says He is, the Saviour who fights for our battles! With all our concerns, He will sure deliver His promises! He cannot be that inconsiderate to put us on a disadvantage. He will restore all that the enermy has stolen and establish us. Always remember to give God the Glory all the time, both in good and rough times.

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