Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nothing wrong,I just prefer doing my things from the left side!

Being sinistral/ left handed by birth;there was a phase during my pre-school years when I thought other kids around me were kinda funny & weird for using the wrong hand (their right hand) when working on their drawings or paintings. I was too blind to even realize I was the one who was odd one out & using the 'wrong' hand! Then when I finally realized I was the odd one out, I started feeling abnormal, asking my mum why I was different!

...even though I was different for using the opposite hand as compared to other kids, my mum assured me I was as perfectly normal as the rest of them; I just prefered to do my things from the left side!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

If I could turn back the hands of time;

  • I would listen to Sr Marie De Pace's advice & make sure I keep all the Rosaries that she used to distribute at free will,especially the white ones that glow in the dark;
  • I would sing all her favorite Latin & English hymns with a sincere heart,(pretending like i know the meaning of all those Latin songs);
  • I would not get mad at her for telling me I am not pronouncing the Latin words properly or calling me a "mbudzi" for chewing gum or talking during those Thursday singing sessions;
  • I would make sure I never sleep in those 6am English masses,
  • I would never chew gum & put it under my desk or smack while chewing my gum,for I know only "mombes & mbudzis" do that (Sr De Pace);
  • I would never dance in church services like I am in a "disco" no matter how interesting the song is;
  • I would never give Mrs Nallipogu,my Indian accounts teacher a hard time,even after she gives me a punishment of "KNEELING down" in front of the class/ or "STANDING on one leg" for making noise during the Accounts class;
  • Would never give names to some of my teachers eg Rocka Jani, Labho, Bombers; Bhary; Zeddy; Bobba & the likes;
  • I would never call my Head Master "Tetsi-Man"...
  • I would never hide under my bed so that I can abscond going to the Rosary prayers before night study..
  • I would never allow myself to get pierced 3 times on each ear;because according to Mrs Baricholo,prefects like me with 3 piercing were not leading by example to other student..
  • I would never go on a "SEE-ME" so that Rocka-Jani doesn't have to chase me with a long stick all the way to the girls hostels...
  • I would play with our matron's mind "Mhodza Chibovero" by telling her photosynthesis yangu,ne metamorphosis zvangu zviri kurwadza!
  • I would never call Mr Ngara..PUMBA;because I know he clearly doesnt look like PUMBA from Lion King..

...Oh,how much i miss high school!

Why is this even funny?

I maybe finding humor in the wrong places but if you have been in a situation where a baboon/monkey chases you because its trying to snatch your bag of Chompkins or your muguri wechibage or maybe they attack your field of maize cobs/chibage;this pic is jus on point! It doesn't get more straight forward than this!